WORK Microwave at ONN workshop

Digital Optical Ground Station, News, Past events

ONN workshop at ESA’s ESOC in Darmstadt, Germany

At European Optical Nucleus Network (ONN) workshop, Joerg Rockstroh was glad to present our latest Optical Ground Station advances.

Many fruitful discussions with the attendees covered how WORK Microwave helps at the development of the ground segment for a mature service, with a network of optical ground stations.

With the advancement of optical ground station technology – e.g. with our DOG-M1 modem of ESA’s M3O project. A concrete first use case is only a question of time, and can be pioneering on the way to the era of optical communication.

Thanks to ESA Operations for organizing that great event at ESOC operations centre in Darmstadt last week, and to all we’ve met there!

Logo Digital Optical Groundstation