In any development environment for applications pinpointing users’ locations, you usually use reliant yet high-performant GNSS simulator systems.
WORK Microwave’s Xidus provides stable and reliable benchmark signals. Hence, it is ideal for validating the performance of GNSS receivers and other systems under test. With Xidus system, you can easily and effectively generate reproducible yet variable scenarios without leaving the laboratory.
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All benefits of Xidus GNSS Simulator:
Why valid GNSS signals are essential for development
When developing a GNSS based system, you need simulated GNSS signals for testing scenarios. WORK Microwave’s Xidus provides such signals in almost perfect quality.
Choose a Xidus solution. It allows you to:
- simulate multi-constellation and multi-frequency signals for any position on earth.
- generate a configurable real time scenario – when you want to validate the performance of GNSS systems under test.
- perform safety of life (SoF) test scenarios like single satellite single frequency signal capture, without atmospheric errors or any additional errors, integrity checks etc.
Galileo ICD version 2.0 is now available!
In version 2.0, there are three new features on E1 OS signal INAV data:
- Secondary synchronization pattern (SSP): The Secondary Synchronisation Pattern allows a receiver to correlate a local replica of the encoded pattern configurations with the received data symbols, after de-interleaving. As soon as any occurrence of the three SSP configurations is detected in the incoming symbol stream, the receiver has the knowledge of the GST(galileo system time) (modulo 6 seconds) without the need for successful data decoding.
- Reduced Clock and Ephemeris: Receivers can use these reduced-precision parameters to compute an initial position fix in case a full ephemeris and clock correction set has not yet been received.
- Reed-Solomon Outer Forward Error Correction: robust decoding of I/NAV Clock and Ephemeris Data (CED).
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Run your tests with Xidus GNSS Simulator
Xidus high-performant simulator system enables you to perform rigorous testing of GNSS systems under test. It is capable to simulate all GNSS signal frequencies of GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou, QZSS, NavIC/IRNSS. Also, it is highly configurable to the parameters that are transmitted from individual satellite. Xidus simulates satellite based augmentation system (SBAS) like WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, SDCM and GAGAN as well. By this, it gives advanced test capabilities, and it covers all receiver functionalities for approval of SoF-certification. High configurability of Xidus provides adaptable and flexible solutions to test complex and real world scenarios.

A wide range of GNSS applications beyond navigation
Accurate and instant travel directions are very useful for everybody with a suitable receiver device. That’s why almost every smartphone has a GNSS receiver on board. Even though, the applications are not limited to travel. GNSS is also used in agriculture, object tracking, autonomous driving, fuel economy, forestry and defense. And as satellite navigation is increasingly common, the variation of applications will even become greater in the future. Professional applications typically require a high level of precision and reliability. Therefore, a capable GNSS Simulator such as Xidus is very useful.