European Navigation Conference at ESTEC in Noordwijk!
European Space Agency (ESA) have offered the opportunity to host the 2023 ENC at the ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. This is the place where the Galileo satellite system is designed and where the European navigation satellites undergo final testing before being launched into orbit.
The main theme of the conference is Resilient Navigation. Vulnerability of satellite-based position and timing information is widely recognized. The need for resilience requires redundancy in the signal domain, terrestrial and space infrastructures and on-board implementation. It also requires vulnerabilities to be addressed in navigation functions, data, guidance and control.
The ENC returns to its original season and will take place from 31 May until 2 June 2023. This is the time of year when many flower fields in the area are in bloom and the weather is generally pleasant and sunny. The week just after the Pentecost weekend gives plenty of opportunities to visit the surrounding countryside, as well as the vibrant cities of The Hague, Leiden and Amsterdam.
After three very successful ENC events in our country in the last decades, the Netherlands Institute of Navigation is looking forward to receiving you once again – at the ENC 2023, held under auspices of EUGIN. This will be a broad conference for every professional with an interest in the fields of positioning, navigation and timing: scientists, technicians, policy makers, and above all, users.
Meet WORK Microwave at ENC 2023!
We are glad to support this important event as an exhibitor and look forward to meeting you there! Meet us at our stand, and learn all about the latest features of our high-end Xidus GNSS simulator.
We are very proud that our Director Navigation Simulators, Sowmyashree Lakshmaiah, will be presenting on Behaviour of COTS Receiver under Simulated Multi-Frequency GNSS Induced Spoofing (full program see here), on June 1.