The Xidus-648 GNSS Simulator is a high end GNSS Simulator supporting all current and future GNSS signals. High signal purity even at 1kHz update rate and thus providing perfect test solutions in integrated system tests.

Product Line: Xidus Navigation Simulators

Application: Receiver Manufacturing, Production testing, GNSS Simulation Research

Xidus-648 GNSS Simulator

Product Line: Xidus

Ask Michel:

Michel Hello

Sales Director Navigation Simulators

Xidus-648 GNSS Simulator Features

  • Up to 256 LOS channels and 1024 multipath channels
  • RF outputs
  • Multi-GNSS frequencies (max. 32)
  • Dimension: 447.5 x 266.7 x 500 mm³
  • Xidus Studio as powerful configuration software

New: Galileo ICD version 2.0!

  • Secondary synchronization pattern (SSP) for correlating a local replica of the encoded pattern configurations.
  • Reduced Clock and Ephemeris for computing an initial position fix in case a full ephemeris.
  • Reed-Solomon Outer Forward Error Correction for robust decoding of I/NAV Clock and Ephemeris Data (CED).

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