A-Series AX-80 Wideband All-IP Platform
WORK Microwave introduces the future-forward AX-80 Series Modems/Modulators/Demodulators. The AX-80 product line is based on a powerful architecture that supports the new DVB-S2X standard for ultra-wideband transponders up to 500 Mbps in both directions. DVB-S2X features include higher modulation schemes up to 256APSK, a finer granularity of ModCods, and advanced filtering. Beyond DVB-S2X, the AX-80 platform can be extended to customized waveforms and user-defined data processing. Through an all-IP structure, the platform supports native network operation as well as data streaming over IP, providing satellite operators with the flexibility that is absolutely critical in today’s fast-changing connected world.

Key Features
- DVB-S2X compliant
- Modulations up to 256APSK
- Annex M Time-slicing
- Symbol rates from 1 Msps to 500 Msps
- Data rate up to 3 Gbit/s integrated
- Roll-Off: 35 %, 25 %, 20 %, 15 %, 10 %, 5 %
- Low spurious Output
- Predistortion ready for automatic group delay and
nonlinearity compensation
- OptiACM controller (open for other ACM systems)
- Real-time M&C capabilities
- IP and baseband traffic shaping
- Generic Stream Encapsulation (GSE)
- Multiprotocol Encapsulation (MPE)
- CE compliant
- 3 years warranty